
Thank you for saying - that’s an incredibly kind vote of confidence!

I haven’t tried letters to the editor - but I know others have and haven’t had much luck. Most newspapers are not interested in publishing Covid related pieces anymore - and many are actively downplaying the situation. It’s one of the reasons I started my own publication - so I could say what I want without someone asking me to adjust the messaging to make it more “palatable”.

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Sep 8Liked by Broadwaybabyto

Well said. Seems like there's less and less compassion and understanding in the world with each passing day, and fewer decent role models for kids. I worry about future generations too.

Have they actually removed the peanut ban or was that just proposed? Seems like a strange about face on something that's been around for ages now.

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Thank you for reading - and I agree that compassion seems hard to find these days. The example we are setting for kids is something we should all be concerned about - as they really do pay attention to everything.

I believe the peanut ban was set to be revoked this school year - but I shall double check!

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Sep 9Liked by Broadwaybabyto

I have been following you on Twitter but didn’t know you were here until my feed delivered this excellent piece today- it’s sadly resonant with an essay I just published this weekend that speaks to some of the “WHY” we have taken this route


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Hello! Thank you for commenting! If you’re comfortable you can share your Twitter handle so I can make sure we’re connected there too.

I’ve had a heck of a time getting the word out to my followers - that site seems to suppress any mention of substack. I’m so glad you found me!

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Sep 9Liked by Broadwaybabyto

You make very valid points and this should be getting out to more people. It’s tragic that that girl was bullied into removing her mask and now her mother is dead. Have you thought about sending in letters to the editors of major newspapers? You are an excellent writer and the public is not understanding what is happening.

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So strange - I was sure I replied to this earlier but now I don’t see it! Sorry about that!

Thank you so much for the kind comment - I really appreciate it. I haven’t tried any newspapers as I know most don’t want to publish Covid stuff - I know some journalists have been told to tone down the messaging. That’s one of the reasons I started my own publication - so I could write the way I wanted to.

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Sep 8·edited Sep 8Liked by Broadwaybabyto

“If someone is willing and able to mask that behaviour should be encouraged. They’re breaking chains of transmission.”

This is an important point. I shared photos of a respirator that people can use in areas where masks are banned. I don’t remember the details of it but I think it was just some little nostril tubes so you could get clean air through your nose.

Someone popped in to complain that it would only protect me. Ok? And? If I don’t catch Covid I can’t spread Covid. Why wouldn’t I protect myself?

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That’s exactly it! I don’t understand why people don’t understand that. Even if you’re only protecting yourself - that STILL de facto protects others because if you never get Covid you can’t spread Covid.

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