Healthcare facilities should set the tone when it comes to masking. They should help patients protect themselves from Covid and other threats. Instead they push droplet dogma and put lives at risk.
You’re so welcome Mel, and I’m so sorry you were infected somewhere that should have been keeping you safe. I wish more people realized how rampant COVID is in hospitals and how easy it would be to reduce those infections.
There’s no reason not to, which is part of what makes the whole situation so tragic.
I know. It's literally so easy. N95s, frequent testing, and better air purification/ventilation. Bam. You've probably cut cases in half with those three tactics. Sigh..
It especially bugs me when HCWs refuse to mask for the most vulnerable patients, like what happened to you. You said it so perfectly - "you don't belong in healthcare."
Exactly. It was harsh, but true. I think we all know that if the healthcare worker felt their live was at risk they would suddenly be able to wear a respirator without issue.
You literally have to pass a fit test to work in a hospital. They're just choosing not to wear them because they don't want to. Their personal feelings really shouldn't factor in when our lives are at stake.
It is an absolute shame (or worse...) that we need to get our health and safety information from independent journalists and websites. You'd think some of our tax dollars should go towards health agencies that could give trustworthy and reliable information to the people. Thank you for trying to help fill the large gaps in public awareness.
It is a shame, and it also explains why most people seem to think Covid is over or “just a cold”. The agencies getting our tax dollars have been downplaying the threat of the virus for years….
And now it’s down to people like me to keep trying to spread the word and protect as many folks as possible
I saw a pulmonary doctor last week for Long Covid. She was unmasked and coughing and when I asked whether or not she was contagious she glibly answered, “No, not anymore. It’s been a month.” I was masked and wanted to scream! This actually happened.
That’s awful! I can’t believe how many people I speak to who see lung/pulmonary doctors who aren’t masking. You would think of all the specialties they would understand how necessary it is, especially since a lot of pulmonary testing involves removing one’s mask. I’m glad you were masked up!
I'm a masked in my home 5 to 8 hours a day 6 days a week as are my caregivers. And we are masked when we go to medical appointments. (I don't go anywhere else).
No medical professionals or the drivers for the non-emergency medical transport are masked. I've asked them to but they don't. I had a neurologist who always put on a mask when I came in but no longer. I do hand a mask to anyone who comes into my home.
I have allergic reactions to disposable masks against my skin. Angioedema rash and wheezing. I can wear an Envo which is what I wear to medical appointments. At home I wear an organic Vogmasks or mask with multi layers and filters. But cloth between my face and the filter.
I used to have some masks that were ASTM 3502 standards that I could wear without reaction but the company went out of business. Now I have to search for companies that are latex free and have multi cloth layers. (Cotton or bamboo I react to other fibers). Filter pockets and fit my face tightly for home use. Mostly I'm just buying Vog masks frequently.
It's the best I can do because the Envo causes me severe neck pain and increased dysautumnomia. Thankfully I have two good caregivers right now who mask diligently for me.
I don't even care if anyone looks at me weird with my Envo on. Thankfully most doctors don't say anything.
I'm glad you've found a mask that (mostly) works for you! I can only imagine how challenging it is with a latex allergy. You mentioned Vogmask... I wonder if Cambridge masks might be another option as well?
Thank you so much for this. I always mask up in healthcare settings and all public areas because of healthcare trauma I experienced back in 2019. I was already disabled then (bilateral severe hearing loss of unknown cause since most likely birth), when I experienced sudden loss of the remaining hearing in one ear. My regular ENT doctor was not available so I had to go with another doctor in the practice. Three inner ear steroid injections were not successful, so the doctor basically said oh well and I was dismissed. I was flabbergasted. No follow up support whatsoever. I had other undiagnosed issues going on at that time but he had no interest in pursuing a diagnosis. That experience leads to extreme vigilance on my part to protect what little hearing I have left in other ear where a hearing aid can still be effective. I now also have other issues so I continue to mask up for I am alone and have no help/support if I were to be further disabled by a covid infection. Being deaf creates unique masking situations for me in healthcare settings. During the times of mandatory mask mandates, I would call the doctors' offices before appointments to request accommodations like real time captioning, and every single time it didn't happen so my ADA rights were consistently violated. I eventually discovered the Live Transcribe app for cellphone use. Fast forward to this day: I keep my mask on but allow the medical staff to be unmasked for communications purposes since I've given up on accessibility to captioning for the time being. And I make sure to refuse the hospital offered surgical masks and keep on my own respirator. But I do find myself avoiding healthcare other than already scheduled routine appointments because of lack of masking in the local health facilities.
Thank you so much for sharing your experience, I think it’s so important that we acknowledge the unique challenges facing those who are hard of hearing.
I’m sorry that they never accommodated you during mandates, that’s appalling and disappointing.
I’m glad you’re continuing to mask yourself since we know how damaging Covid can be to hearing, smell and taste. I wish more people knew what they were risking, but even when there’s a high profile case like Paul Simon, it seems to be quickly forgotten.
We really need more clear respirators! It would solve a number of problems!
Thank you for this very informative article - it is unfortunate in the extreme that there is so little compassion in the world today for the vulnerable - we have forgotten how to look after each other - the golden rule has been tarnished and I fear it is beyond repair - regards as always, Bob
I fear you may be right Bob, but I will continue to do my part to uphold the golden rule and encourage others to do the same. Each one of us can make a difference!
One of the worst situations for me has been when I need imaging done, and I have to take off my mask. No surgical masks available to wear once I go inside the room with the MRI machine. Back in the “early” days, that was an option.
I'm so sorry! There are actually some MRI safe respirators now if you want to have one for next time. Sometimes the techs will make a fuss, but I always bring the box with me so they can see that it is safe. I use the Vitacore N99 but the Readimask is also MRI safe and there's a few others.
As someone who still regularly needs to see a doctor, I completely agree. The last time I was in, about a month ago, one of the aides was going over some paperwork while I waited for the doctor, and he (somehow it always seems to be a "he", at least in my experience) took his mask off completely(!). He was about ten feet away from me, or I would have freaked. I did tell on him in my end-of-visit comments, though. I hope someone read it and bawled him out.
I hate it when they do that! I recently had a doctor who kept removing her mask to unlock her phone (while sitting like 2 feet from me). It took everything I had not to say “there’s a passcode you can use instead!”
Yeah I always judge each circumstance individually before deciding if I'm going to say anything. In this circumstance it wasn't worth it, but I have spoken out in other situations.
Thank you for writing this 🫂
I have Long Covid because of a hospital-acquired infection. It should never be like this for anyone.
Our healthcare professionals need to follow the science.
You’re so welcome Mel, and I’m so sorry you were infected somewhere that should have been keeping you safe. I wish more people realized how rampant COVID is in hospitals and how easy it would be to reduce those infections.
There’s no reason not to, which is part of what makes the whole situation so tragic.
I know. It's literally so easy. N95s, frequent testing, and better air purification/ventilation. Bam. You've probably cut cases in half with those three tactics. Sigh..
It especially bugs me when HCWs refuse to mask for the most vulnerable patients, like what happened to you. You said it so perfectly - "you don't belong in healthcare."
Exactly. It was harsh, but true. I think we all know that if the healthcare worker felt their live was at risk they would suddenly be able to wear a respirator without issue.
You literally have to pass a fit test to work in a hospital. They're just choosing not to wear them because they don't want to. Their personal feelings really shouldn't factor in when our lives are at stake.
100% sadly we’ve lost all respect for science
It is an absolute shame (or worse...) that we need to get our health and safety information from independent journalists and websites. You'd think some of our tax dollars should go towards health agencies that could give trustworthy and reliable information to the people. Thank you for trying to help fill the large gaps in public awareness.
It is a shame, and it also explains why most people seem to think Covid is over or “just a cold”. The agencies getting our tax dollars have been downplaying the threat of the virus for years….
And now it’s down to people like me to keep trying to spread the word and protect as many folks as possible
I saw a pulmonary doctor last week for Long Covid. She was unmasked and coughing and when I asked whether or not she was contagious she glibly answered, “No, not anymore. It’s been a month.” I was masked and wanted to scream! This actually happened.
That’s awful! I can’t believe how many people I speak to who see lung/pulmonary doctors who aren’t masking. You would think of all the specialties they would understand how necessary it is, especially since a lot of pulmonary testing involves removing one’s mask. I’m glad you were masked up!
Thank you for writing this. It shouldn’t be like this.
Thank you for reading Emma. I don't know if it'll change anything, but I will continue to advocate for masks in healthcare in the hopes that it does!
Such an important read. Thank you for sharing.
Thank you for reading!
I'm a masked in my home 5 to 8 hours a day 6 days a week as are my caregivers. And we are masked when we go to medical appointments. (I don't go anywhere else).
No medical professionals or the drivers for the non-emergency medical transport are masked. I've asked them to but they don't. I had a neurologist who always put on a mask when I came in but no longer. I do hand a mask to anyone who comes into my home.
I have allergic reactions to disposable masks against my skin. Angioedema rash and wheezing. I can wear an Envo which is what I wear to medical appointments. At home I wear an organic Vogmasks or mask with multi layers and filters. But cloth between my face and the filter.
I used to have some masks that were ASTM 3502 standards that I could wear without reaction but the company went out of business. Now I have to search for companies that are latex free and have multi cloth layers. (Cotton or bamboo I react to other fibers). Filter pockets and fit my face tightly for home use. Mostly I'm just buying Vog masks frequently.
It's the best I can do because the Envo causes me severe neck pain and increased dysautumnomia. Thankfully I have two good caregivers right now who mask diligently for me.
I don't even care if anyone looks at me weird with my Envo on. Thankfully most doctors don't say anything.
I'm glad you've found a mask that (mostly) works for you! I can only imagine how challenging it is with a latex allergy. You mentioned Vogmask... I wonder if Cambridge masks might be another option as well?
Thank you so much for this. I always mask up in healthcare settings and all public areas because of healthcare trauma I experienced back in 2019. I was already disabled then (bilateral severe hearing loss of unknown cause since most likely birth), when I experienced sudden loss of the remaining hearing in one ear. My regular ENT doctor was not available so I had to go with another doctor in the practice. Three inner ear steroid injections were not successful, so the doctor basically said oh well and I was dismissed. I was flabbergasted. No follow up support whatsoever. I had other undiagnosed issues going on at that time but he had no interest in pursuing a diagnosis. That experience leads to extreme vigilance on my part to protect what little hearing I have left in other ear where a hearing aid can still be effective. I now also have other issues so I continue to mask up for I am alone and have no help/support if I were to be further disabled by a covid infection. Being deaf creates unique masking situations for me in healthcare settings. During the times of mandatory mask mandates, I would call the doctors' offices before appointments to request accommodations like real time captioning, and every single time it didn't happen so my ADA rights were consistently violated. I eventually discovered the Live Transcribe app for cellphone use. Fast forward to this day: I keep my mask on but allow the medical staff to be unmasked for communications purposes since I've given up on accessibility to captioning for the time being. And I make sure to refuse the hospital offered surgical masks and keep on my own respirator. But I do find myself avoiding healthcare other than already scheduled routine appointments because of lack of masking in the local health facilities.
Thank you so much for sharing your experience, I think it’s so important that we acknowledge the unique challenges facing those who are hard of hearing.
I’m sorry that they never accommodated you during mandates, that’s appalling and disappointing.
I’m glad you’re continuing to mask yourself since we know how damaging Covid can be to hearing, smell and taste. I wish more people knew what they were risking, but even when there’s a high profile case like Paul Simon, it seems to be quickly forgotten.
We really need more clear respirators! It would solve a number of problems!
Thank you for this very informative article - it is unfortunate in the extreme that there is so little compassion in the world today for the vulnerable - we have forgotten how to look after each other - the golden rule has been tarnished and I fear it is beyond repair - regards as always, Bob
I fear you may be right Bob, but I will continue to do my part to uphold the golden rule and encourage others to do the same. Each one of us can make a difference!
One of the worst situations for me has been when I need imaging done, and I have to take off my mask. No surgical masks available to wear once I go inside the room with the MRI machine. Back in the “early” days, that was an option.
I'm so sorry! There are actually some MRI safe respirators now if you want to have one for next time. Sometimes the techs will make a fuss, but I always bring the box with me so they can see that it is safe. I use the Vitacore N99 but the Readimask is also MRI safe and there's a few others.
As someone who still regularly needs to see a doctor, I completely agree. The last time I was in, about a month ago, one of the aides was going over some paperwork while I waited for the doctor, and he (somehow it always seems to be a "he", at least in my experience) took his mask off completely(!). He was about ten feet away from me, or I would have freaked. I did tell on him in my end-of-visit comments, though. I hope someone read it and bawled him out.
I hate it when they do that! I recently had a doctor who kept removing her mask to unlock her phone (while sitting like 2 feet from me). It took everything I had not to say “there’s a passcode you can use instead!”
Masks work so well, but you have to keep them on!
Maybe she needed to hear that, but I get not wanting to piss off your doctor.
Yeah I always judge each circumstance individually before deciding if I'm going to say anything. In this circumstance it wasn't worth it, but I have spoken out in other situations.